Keep it Fresh with Lid Liners
Here at Lid Liners, we have developed a revolutionary new product with you, the hat wearer, in mind. Our mission is to provide a quality product that will extend the life of your favorite lid.

Why Lid Liners?
• Our product is designed to fit into any Lid, hat, cap, helmet, or any other headwear item
• Made from super absorbent material
• Creates a comfort barrier while protecting from sweat and oils that would otherwise saturate and stain the headband of your hat
• Helps prevent redness and irritation on your forehead
• Reduces odor causing bacteria which can accumulate on the headband
• Ultra-thin and hygienic
• Saves money – protects and extends the life of hats and other headwear items
• Conveniently portable & disposable
• Sold in packages of 16 which you can take with you and have in your golf bag, gym bag, or bat bag
• No sticky residue left behind